Saturday, June 10, 2006

Up early this morning....

I don't really know why but for some reason I was wide awake at about 5:45 am this morning!!

I got up and took the the dog out and it was such beautiful morning. The birds were chirping and singing, the squirrels were hopping from tree to tree and scurrying from here to there. It was just wonderful.

I came back in and, of course, got back in bed and played with the dog for minute and then I picked up a book.

I finally received "The Latin Centered Curriculum" by Andrew A. Campbell. It is very interesting and I'm very interested but it hasn't really talked about how to start in the middle (yet I've not finished the book). With DS being in the 7th grade that is for sure in the middle and even DD isn't at the beginning since she in the 2nd grade. So I'm not sure where exactly to start but we'll figure it out soon. I think it's what I want to do with our family so we will figure a way to make it work.

We are going to try to start our Latin this summer, on Monday to be exact. The kids are very excited. I'm a little intimidated and scared but again, we will make it work.

DD is about to bust with the excitement of her starting to homeschool. She wants to start NOW!! I've been trying to show her that we are learning in everyday things but she is in a "school" mindset so she's not sure she believes me. She is so cute and willing to learn.

DS? Well, he enjoys it but is having a love affair with the computer lately. He runs up the stairs saying, "I'm going to do history now!" Meaning that he is going to play "Civilization III" on the computer. I will admit that he is learning quite a bit from it but I wish he wasn't on the computer quite so much. I told him starting Monday, he'll be on it much less.

Our summer plans include, Latin, typing, some math and lots of reading, both family reading and reading on their own. I'm looking forward to it and I think they are too, for the most part. I'm not talking spending hours of their summer days this way just enough that we don't lose what we had (ds mostly) and move to far from our routine, so that DD can start to get used to it.

Well, I'm still trying to help the house recover from DH's visit. We've almost got it all done this morning but I do have some paperwork that is piling up that needs to be filed or shredded and just put away. I guess I best get to it so that in an hour or so we can go out and swim in the kids pool.

Have a great weekend!!!

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