Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So sad...

The news today is very distressing. I'm so sad to hear the fate of the two missing soldiers. I've thought a lot of them and their families over the last few days and I cried for them today as I heard about them. I can't imagine. It is so frightening.

But then I hear people say things about how WE don't treat people that way and maybe we should and I get so angry at them! I heard that comment today and my reply was, "You know, we are supposedly a Christian country and so hopefully as Christians we do the right thing and the treat people the way we should." The person who said it was somewhat speechless. As they should have been! It just blows my mind.

Anyway, I'm so very sad about all this and hope that everyone will keep these soldiers and their families in your prayers. Please keep all the military and their families in your prayers.

*** note: I'm not sure if this all made sense but bear with me. Hopefully anyone reading here will know what I mean to say.


Anonymous said...

Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel gets it. He rose to the defense of America at today's summit but also made this very clear:

"....we can only have a victory in the fight against terror if we don't undermine our common values. It can never be a victory -- a credible victory over terrorists if we give up our values: democracy, rule of law, individual rights."

Sherri Williams said...

I'm so glad some one gets it!! I agree wholeheartedly with what he said. Thank you for sharing it. Thanks also for stopping by. Come back soon.