Thursday, June 29, 2006

late night chatting

It's late and I'm tired but I thought I send a quick hello out into cyberspace.

We've been busy but not too busy. I've been exercising when I can.

DD is feeling poorly so I've made her a Dr. Appointment for tomorrow. She's been feeling icky for about a week now. Poor baby. It's the kind of icky that just lingers. Hopefully, we will get that taken care of and she can be feeling better soon.

DS is goofy as usual. No, he's been wonderful. He is so protective and is all male! He doesn't want to be as protective and pretends not to be but then when he needs to be he is to the bone!

It's neat to see it develop. He worries about me a lot. He's not as bad as he was when DH first left but it's still there. If he hears me scream or yell at all he comes running full force! Sometimes it's funny because I'm not really screaming but laughing loudly but he worries.

He tends to want to stay near me when we are out with certain people that he thinks might even just hurt my feelings. People don't really understand it but you know, he is the man of the house right now even though I try really hard not to put that on his shoulders, he's at the age where he puts it there himself. He's not like this at church but if we are out, boy howdy! You better be nice to his momma! It's cute.

I really haven't seen this in him too much about his sister. I mean if were to see someone hurting her he would quickly put a stop to it, but he doesn't really try hard to look out for her like he does me. Well, at least not usually.

We went to eat tonight and I left them at the table for a second to go get them some milkshakes for dessert and she came to me when he wasn't looking. I was just coming around the corner but I saw the panic in his eyes when he thought someone had taken his sister. It only took him a second to see her but the panic was real. He even got on to her but walking away without telling him. I did too. I'm really quite proud of him.

Wow, for just a quick hello this has really gone on! I'm just proud of my babies. I'll have to tell you how protective the dog is later. I'm tired right now and off to dreamland. Sweet dreams dear friends!

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