Sunday, June 11, 2006


I'm having a bad time today. I started to say that I'm having a bad day but the day is fine. It's me.

I'm having a hard time getting over my missing DH. Not that I really get over it but I had gotten used to the feeling ~ the lonely feeling, the missing him feeling. I was used to it and could work around it but I'm feeling overwhelmed by it and am having to get used to it all over again! He was only home 2 weeks. You wouldn't think it would be too hard but it is.

I feel so sad when I wake up in the mornings, when I go to bed at night, and every time I go to cook a meal. I'm having a hard time cooking because I just get so sad. Now, I know why we had been eating out so much before he came home.

Now, he's gone again and I have to start over from the beginning. Don't get me wrong. It was wonderful to have him here to see him and be in his arms again. Wouldn't trade that, just wish it was easier to get back into my swing of being used to him being gone. (Never thought I'd say that!)

DD is having the same trouble. She was so sad at church this morning. When it came time for Sunday school she started crying. Poor baby. It took everything in me not to cry with her. She ended up staying with me for Sunday School. We have VBS tonight and I'm hoping she will be strong so she can go and have fun.

DS has just totally zoned out with technology so that he's not really given himself time to think about it. He does usually come in around bedtime and tell me he misses his dad. Tomorrow we are backing way off of technology so we'll see how he does then.

I guess that's really it. It's just BLAH here and a little sad. It will get better eventually.

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