Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oh, what a day we've day had. It was so nice and cool this morning that we jumped out of bed and went on a nice walk through the neighborhood very first thing. It was wonderful!

When we got home to had a nice breakfast and cleaned up the dishes and read our Bible story. Then I declared it a day with school outside!

When we got out to the deck I realized we needed to do a little housekeeping out here so we cleaned up the deck. Everyone working together. We swept it up and watered the plants, put the furniture back in order and hung the table cloth out to air.

Then we noticed the front flowerbed. YUCK!! I had been wanting to get cleaned up for sometime but it's been too hot. But not today! So we got busy and we got dirty! It was fun and everyone worked really hard. While DS blew the little pieces off the driveway, DD and washed our hands and got down to math. When DS finished he washed up and came out with his science. Everyone just kind of moved through their work today. No particular order or time. Just when you finished with one you moved on to the next. It was a very slow day but much more relaxing than it had been being.

It was really a nice day. I think everyone got a lot done. We may not have covered every subject but we were learning and that's what counts. Like I said, it's been a very slow day. Here it is after 4 p.m. and the kids are just now really finished but you know, I don't think they mind at all. It was all on their own time, in their own time.

Yesterday, I was thinking, you know after almost 5 weeks of this, I feel like I really need about a week off! We work so very hard. The sad part is that I always feel like we aren't doing enough! It's crazy. But after today and how easy it has been and the work we got done around the house too, I feel like we are doing okay.

Well, I am being summoned! They are having a backyard adventure and then NEED to show me something. Have a great night!!


Just Here For Now said...

"The sad part is that I always feel like we aren't doing enough!" --

I used to have this feeling all the time, and still do! I wish I could shake that feeling. Maybe some of us never do.

It sounds like you are doing a great job.
~`Miss Roxie

Sherri Williams said...

Thanks Miss Roxie! I'm trying but I just can shake that worry. It doesn't help that DS has to take a standardized test this spring. I worry!!