Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Well, it's been awhile. Sorry. My DH is home safe and sound from the desert and so we have been enjoying his return. You can read about it over at Musings by Mommy . This week he has been home a lot so we are having a really laid back homeschool week. They are getting a little work done here and there. They usually do math and Latin everyday but not always right now.

Today, DD did Latin and then decided to start her own business with a newsletter so she's been typing and collecting money.

DS has been reading a book on Aztecs and the Spaniards. Now he is in typing on the computer working on a newsletter himself.

This week, we've been on nature walks, have learned about hanging things on the walls. We've been shopping with the kids figuring out the best buys and totals. We've cleaned the garage and basement and the kids have played together a lot. We've cooked a bit and watched some discovery channel. I know learning is going on, it's just not very structured right now but you know what? I think that's okay! Being with Dad is what is important right now and so that's what we are doing the most of for now.

Also, I switched to the new beta blogger so if you are unable to post a comment please come over to Mommy's Musings and post a comment there. When I realized that the beta was going to cause such problems I started a new blog there. Come visit me there.

Have a great day!

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