Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Typical Day???

I'm always wondering about homeschoolers' typical day. Well, I realize that there is no typical day but I'm always curious about what others do and how they do it. So, I've decided to see if I can post a typical day for us. Here it goes...

Times vary for us so I'm not going to give time of day. Just a reminder, my kids are 11 and 7, a 7th grader and a second grader.

We get up and everyone dresses and gets to their chores. I fix breakfast and we eat together. Then we try to have a little devotional.

Now, we clean up the breakfast dishes. Well, the kids really do. It's DS's job and DD is supposed to help.

Next, we all move on to the actual "school" work.

We do Math and Latin daily.

We do history and science most days.

DD does copywork most everyday and handwriting.

DS is using Classical Writing this year.

We read a lot. They have free reading during the day and for an hour at night before bed (DD is jut 30mins at night). We also are doing some read alouds, which they love.

We do a lot of volunteer work for our church on an almost weekly basis.

Friday, we try to have a bit of a fun day. We go somewhere, to a park or something and enjoy nature.

We throw art and music in there a lot too.

Well, I don't know if it's typical or not and I don't know if it's enough either but now it's what we are doing. What is your typical day like?

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