Monday, August 21, 2006

Good morning friends,

It's been a while since I last posted here. Sorry about that. We been pretty busy with the homeschooling. Having them both home is ... hmmm... not harder .... but much more time consuming. I run from child to child all day. Helping here and there.

DD needs much more instruction than DS. She is just a second grader. She loves to read though and is always quick to say, "I need to do my free reading!" Too funny.

DS is struggling a little with math. Not that it is too hard, he just does not like math so he won't stay focused on it.

With DS we are trying some new stuff. He's using the "Classical Writing" program. I started him with Aesop B. Some of it is too easy but other parts are really good. And you know what, he had his first writing assignment and really enjoyed doing it. It was easy but I have a hard time getting him to do any writing! He did type it but hey, at least he was writing!! He has a wonderful imagination too.

DD is doing great. She loves homeschooling. Some of the math is a little too easy but it's review for now, it will get harder and then because of the review, it won't be hard.

I want us to read more. I am going to make a list of books to take with me to the library and we are going to try to have family reading more often. I have a hard time finding time to fit in everything. I need to work on that. I've been listening to the children talk and listening when we play games to see what they seem to be missing and I think reading some "good books" as a family should help with most of it.

We are loving Latin but I'm afraid they are passing me by. I'm going to have to take more time alone to learn it better myself. Because of the Latin, we are studying Rome too. We are reading "Famous Men of Rome". I think they are enjoying it. It is different.

I've been thinking of looking back at Ambleside Online again. It just seemed so hard to start in the middle with DS but I may just try to use it for the book lists and then you never know. I'm not good at making my own lessons either so that was another factor. But anyway....

We are doing well and enjoying it. Tell us about what you are doing. Maybe could learn from each other.

Have a wonderful day,
Your blogland friend.

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