Friday, March 24, 2006

Am I alone in this??? I go in spurts with the curriculum. I love to look at all of it and want to buy, buy, buy. I get to worrying that what we are doing isn't enough. I'm such a worrier.

I know my son is learning. He is learning so much but I worry it's not what he should be or even worse.... that it's not what the kids in school are learning. I know that is nonsense. Who cares right? Well, next year he has to take a standardized test and I worry. Yes, already, I'm worrying about a test that's not until next year. Crazy I know but I'm worrier.

His math is going great and I know that he can read and understand just about anything but we've been lax in Science and I know that what we've been doing in History is different from what they are teaching in school (although what we are doing in History is great and he is just soaking it all up!!).

Anyway, does anyone else do this? I'm constantly looking at different curriculum wondering if it is better than what we are using or looking at different styles of homeschooling and wondering if we should switch or if it would be better for us. Questions, questions, I've constantly got questions.


Dancing Boys Mom said...

I am similar...or at least I was. I used to spend more time looking at curriculum catalogs than teaching. :-O But now that I've been doing this for a few years and I've been back and forth I don't do it nearly as much. We've been homeschooling for nearly four years and last year I finally stopped that. So, you only have 2.5 more years to go. ;-)

Sherri Williams said...

Thanks for dropping by Miss Tresninos! I'm glad I'm not alone! But 2.5 more years???? UGH!! It is just like you said though... often I spend more time looking at different curriculums than teaching!! Luckily DS is in the 6th grade and is usually able to get started on his own. DD will be home next year though and she'll be a 2nd grader so it will be much more hands on with her. I'll HAVE to let go of the "looking". (I hope!!)

Just Here For Now said...

I went through looking at different curriculums and from my judgment AO offers the best ... I have added some supplemental books, but staying with the one curriculum makes it easier.

Sherri Williams said...

Miss Roxie,
You know, when we started out my plan was to use Ambleside (that's AO right?) but I had a hard time figuring out where to start and what to do. I decided I needed more structure. I like the idea behind it. Maybe you could give some guidance there. We use a little of this and and a little of that right now. I do go to Ambleside some to get book ideas and what not.