Wednesday, March 08, 2006

DD has been home all this week so far. She has Croup. Poor thing. I thought she might go to school today but it was not the cards for us. She had a very rough and long night. Her fits of coughing were terrible. I think, hope, pray that she will be back at school tomorrow. Times like these I really wish that we had just taken her out of school too but we didn't want to force her. Anyway....

DS is working very slowly this week. I don't know if has something to do with DD being home or if it's just a slow week. He gets all his work done but it takes most of the day. (Usually he's done by 1 or so.) His heart just isn't in it. He's doing well though and has been working mostly on his own. I just answer his questions as he has them or help him look them up or whatever.

Me? Well, I'm feeling rather poorly so I'm napping when I can and drinking lots of water. I've been reading again which I truly love and am glad I'm making the time to do it more. That's really it here. How are you all doing?

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