Sunday, April 02, 2006

Learning this week???

There's lots to learn this week! I've got to try to get better organized. We do a lot of work and he is learning so much but we often get off track. So, this week I'm going to put it down on paper what I want accomplished this week and hopefully it will get done. I'm going to say that the minimum has to be done by Friday night or he'll be working over the weekend. We'll see how that goes. This way he can do it at his own speed and when he's feeling able.

This week we will be studying the Greeks and their literature. We will also be studying the human body some more. We have a cool experiment to do with an egg about calcium and your bones. Then we will have an investigation on Data collection and Surveys and work some on percentages and fractions. He will also finish his research assignment and write it up formally for me.

whew! We better have a really good breakfast in the morning! :o) I'll let you know how it goes.


Just Here For Now said...

Organized is good, very good. You will feel more secure. Took me awhile to find my pattern, but I have.

We used a great book for the human body that we found at Barnes and Nobles.

Have fun! ~~
Miss Roxie

Sherri Williams said...

If only I could DS to be more organized with me!!! we're working on it.

We are using several books from Usborne Books. They have a 10 week Adventures of the Human Body that we are enjoying.