Thursday, April 27, 2006

Well, I know I've been away for a while. No good excuse, just been quiet. Well, I say quiet but I should say quiet on here. My home has been filled with lots of laughter.

Things have been going really well. We've been going pretty easy on the homeschooling front. We've been letting things go pretty much how ever they go and you know what? It's working well for us! I've still been kind scared and worried but... our days are much more pleasant and learning still happens. I never really wanted to "do school" at home but because of fears that's usually what we do. This week we have found kind of a pleasant medium. It's been nice.

Well, my morning will be coming extra early so I best get to bed. I'll try to come back and post more this weekend about what we've been doing. Have a great night!

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