Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Not the best day...

No, it really wasn't the best day and yet we got a lot done. DS is just very careless in his work. He knows how to do it he just doesn't put his all in his work.

In his math he does silly mistakes or sometimes just does half the problem! It is driving me crazy. I've shortened his lessons thinking that maybe they were just too much and he was losing interest or something but that didn't help. I've been making him redo his work when he gets a lot wrong to be sure that his mistakes are really careless and that he does understand and almost always that is the case. I keep hoping that knowing that if he is careless he will have to redo it, will help him get it right the first time but it doesn't. I just don't know what to do at this point.

In his other work, he is just messy! I need advice!! Anyone out there have any?? He's 11 and in the 6th grade. We are using....

Saxon Math 7/6
Learning Language Arts through Literature The Tan Book (6th grade)
History Odyssey the Ancients level two
For Science we are using something from Usborne Books - 10 Terrific Weeks of the Human Body

He plays handbells and is reading music there and he is learning the guitar. We really need to do more of music and art study but right now it's not there for us. His history does talk a little about this but just a little.

Anyway, friendly advice is welcome.


Lowa said...

One if mine will be 11 in June.

I can hardly read the child's writing. He seems to think it is cool to write as fast as possible. I make him do it over lots of times, which doesn't change a thing.

Same thing with his math. He won't pay attention. He does most of it on the computer (SOS) and is able to skip questions. When I go through it in my teacher's program, and I reassign them and then sit with is just that he doesn't read what they want him to do. It turns out that 90% of the time, he honestly expects it to be harder than it is and therefore freezes and panics. I try to remain patient.

We also use LLATL and he is in the purple book (grade 5). He jumps around in it also and goes weeks doing nothing.

I guess I don't really have any advice except maybe for you to read anything by John Holt. I am sure you will relax more when you read some of his stuff.

When did you pull your some from traditional schooling?? He may need a few months of NOTHING. Trust me, he will be fine if he is allowed to just live and learn through every day life without a lot of scheduled "school" time.

I have done NOTHING with my 6 year old. He reads almost as well as the almost 11 year old, is at his level in math (almost) and is always spewing out trivia that he reads about. He is happy, relaxed and brilliant and we have never used any type of curriculum with him. He is my first to never have attended preschool or public or private and is proof that there is no need for any of those.

Hope this helps in some way!!!

Sherri Williams said...

Thanks for the advice. DS just came home this year. He actually did about 6 weeks in public school this year before he came home.

I've heard often that at first you should just let them be but I get so scared and worried.

He has to take the standardized test next spring and I worry that he won't do well.

Don't get me wrong. He is learning all the time, I'm just worried that what we are learning isn't the what will be covered on the test.

Silly I know. Even he tells me not worry that he will do great. hehehe

His confidence has improved greatly!!