Monday, February 13, 2006

Well, I think we are on the mend. DS has been so sick. He's lost so much weight. They gave him an IV today and more meds. The difference the IV made is unreal. I took a puzzle book with us this morning because I figured he'd get and IV and just after about 10 or 15 minutes on it he was cutting up and joking about his answers. The room was filled with laughter, it was wonderful.

Of course, now Mom is exhausted and in need of some rest but... so much to do.

The puzzles we did included history, math, spelling, and language arts. DD was with us because public schools were closed for a snow day and she had a great time trying to help even though most of it was too hard for her. She enjoyed guessing and making her big brother laugh. I'm glad I thought to bring it with us.

I had no idea though, how much better he would feel with the IV. I've never been through this type of thing before. One of the kids usually gets really sick whenever DH is deployed but not so that they have to have an IV.

Anyway, just wanted to post an update.


Just Here For Now said...

Bless your heart!! Hugs to you. My prayers for you and your family. Hope you got some much needed rest!! ~~ Miss Roxie

Sherri Williams said...

Thank you Miss Roxie for your prayers, hugs, and for dropping by my blog. All are much appreciated! ;o)