Monday, February 06, 2006

Poor DS is sick today. I'm afraid he might have strep. We have a Doctor's appointment this afternoon so I guess we will soon find out. He's watching the Discovery Channel today and will take a book with him to the doctor's. Probably "Stories from the Iliad and Odyssey".

He's been doing pretty good. I've been having my doubts as usual. I think all homeschooling parents do now and again, especially new ones. Anyway, the other day we were at the store and they were having a sale. The item I was looking at was on sale for a 1/3 off. I said kind of to myself, "Dang, why can't it be 1/2 off I don't have to think for that!"

DS came running over saying, "I can do it! Let me!" He was actually excited to do math! And fractions at that!! He did do it and he did correctly. So I guess, we are doing okay. I'm so glad to see him start to get excited about learning and showing what he's learned. To me, it's a step in the right direction.


Sherri Williams said...

Just an update...
NO STREP!!! Yea! Just a bad cold with post nasal drip. He has meds now so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.

Sherri Williams said...

Well, DS is not improving so I'm taking him back to the Dr. this afternoon. Poor guy can't eat or drink. He can't even swallow his own spit. He's just miserable.

Amy Witt said...

Hello, I'm not sure how I found your blog but I too am a Christian homeschooling mom who is a Democrat. I have been trying to find others of us outhere to talk with. I get some tired of some of the talk I read on other homeschool blogs I was wanting to find other mom's who had similar political views. I too have a blog at Love to add you to my list of blogs to read. Peace, Athena Aka Amy

Amy Witt said...

Oh and I am sorry about the strep. how miserable to not even be able to swallow.

Sherri Williams said...

It is very miserable. I see you visited my other blog too so I won't go into all the details. He is just one sick little boy.

Thanks for dropping by and I did visit your blog. You have a beautiful family. I look forward to getting to know you.