Friday, February 17, 2006

Too Cute!!

We received our Usborne Books kit today. The kids were just as excited as me!! DS wouldn't let me open it until he was there. DD couldn't get her hands on the books quick enough! DS kept telling her to be careful! They are special! He told her that "Me and mom are going to have parties to show people the books so that they can buy some too!" Too funny! I think it is just hilarious that he said "Me and Mom"! He considers this business to be his too! I love it! He is all fired up about it and can hardly wait for us to have a party so we can show people the books. They just love them!

Anyway, it's very exciting but there are other things going on. Let's see... DD has an ear infection but is on the road to recovery. DS has a terrible viral infection in his mouth but is finally recovering. He also has a staph infection on his thumb but we now have medication for that too so hopefully he will be fully recovered soon.

The homeschooling has been very slow with all this sickness the last 2 weeks but we have gotten a little in most days through puzzles, reading, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and so on. I'm expecting to be able to get back down to work come Monday.

Well, I guess you are now updated. Please if you haven't already, visit my new website. I KNOW you will find something you LOVE!

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