Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Internet Field Trip

Today we've been busy. We started out the morning with some copy work to work on his handwriting. He is really improving as long as we are using the handwriting paper but he goes back to sloppy without it. It will come with time...

Next we did a little math. He did multiplication and division review and then tried with the equations. We still have a lot of work to do there. but it's coming.

Next, he went on an internet field trip to Ancient Egypt. He had fun. It will count for history, reading and art. Monday in History he read about Ancient Egypt and then we chose a book called the "Golden Goblet" to read for reading which is set in Ancient Egypt. So it is all tying together. For art he sketched (drew) some of the things he read about and looked at on his "field trip" on to some note cards that he will use for postcards to mail to his dad. So that is also some language arts there. Letter writing.

Later we will read more of the book and if we have time we go over what he missed in math. If we don't have time for that we'll do it tomorrow.

I think things are coming together. I don't want to be too positive and then jinx myself. :op
We are also going to laminate the postcards so that they won't get too messed up in the mail and then Dad can hang them up so we've got to run to Wal-mart to get the laminating sheets.

DS says "Homeschooling is great!" I'm sooooo glad.

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