Friday, September 30, 2005


Don't you just love Friday's?

Anyway, today DS has been making up the work from yesterday and doing today's work too. He's doing great! He took his spelling test and got 100%, he's done his math and did great! Now he's doing his grammar and doing well there too. We'll break for lunch when that's done. Then he'll have to do history. We will do his science project from yesterday after we pick up DD from school. (She wants to do it too!) He can do his reading while we wait in line to pick her up. (That's an hour!)

Things are going great! I'm seeing how really smart he is. I already knew it but it's good to see where he's at as far as each subject goes. He's helping much more around the house and his demeanor is so much better. He's having a hard time sometimes coping with his dad being gone but we are working through it together. He smiles more than he did and is much easier to get a long with. I'm seeing positive changes already.



Kate said...

Yea! indeed. I'm glad it's working out well for you both.

Sherri Williams said...

Thank you. So am I! :o)