Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A good day...

Well, it's been good today. DS has worked pretty hard. We are still working. He's writing so I have a minute to post here.

Today he did Math. He worked on Equations and little division. He had a little trouble with the equations. He had to make both sides equal but he had to put the operations in. The numbers were there and he had to put whether to add, subtract, multiply or divide. We did it together today and then tomorrow he'll do it himself (hopefully).

Then for Language Arts he wrote his spelling words. He has poor penmanship so this was also a penmanship lesson. He did EXCELLENT! We also went to the library.

For Science we read about "Early Ideas about Earth" and talked about it and now he writing a summary for it. (counts as both Science and Language Arts).

When he's done we checked out a book to go with what we are studying in History and we will start reading it together. Then at night he has free reading for an hour before bed. He's reading a Harry Potter book.

Wow. When you write it down it sounds like we did pretty good. We are still working on our rhythm but I think that may be a forever thing.

So far we've had a good day.

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