Thursday, January 04, 2007

Unit Studies

That's what we are trying for now. We did the Veterans Day one and then the Thanksgiving one. We are now starting a Pioneer one. I'm really looking forward to it. So are the kids.

I am kind of revising it though. Well, not exactly. I'm just going to do it my way. I tried doing our own unit for Christmas but it didn't really go to well. I need the the structure already done for me for now but I'm going to take this one and make it ours.

Last year, when DS and I first started we would pick a book to read together and then we study the time in which it took place. We really enjoyed doing that. (Not sure if picked the book first or the time.) That was a wonderful time when we both loved doing our homeschooling. It was fun but then I started worrying about if we doing it right or enough and decided to change things. Well, I think that was a HUGE mistake.

So for our Pioneer study, we have chosen a book to read together again in the same manner. I'm also going to go much slower than the unit study is set up for but I think we need more time for each subject. This unit pretty much does a person a day and I don't feel like the kids get enough or able to retain as much that way so we are going more slowly. It will be more fun I think too.

I've also checked out some books that have crafts and projects for us to do to see how the pioneers lived and what they did. I hope it will be lots of fun.

We will also be doing math and language arts and some science.

Well, best get back to my wonderful children. DS is taking a little test for practice. He's getting ready for the state standardized test in the next few months. DD is busy doing math, fractions!!

Have a wonderful day!

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