Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well, tomorrow will be our first day of this school year. I'm hoping that we are ready. DD is very excited, DS is not as much so but I did catch him looking through his new books today.

I worked today to get an area set up for us. Last year, I used a box but it didn't work too well for us. It was was too messy. Now we have a cabinet for our books and notebooks and supplies and it is located right by the kitchen table which is usually our work area so there will never be an excuse not to get things put a way. Everything has a place.

I got a new program for the computer that will hopefully help keep me better organized. I've planned the first two days. I want wait to see how we work before I plan more than a few days at a time. That may sound dumb but this year is going to be so different having them both home. I'm not really sure how we will get it all done. With them being so far apart in age I'll be having to work with them a lot separately and DD will need a lot of one on one. DS will too at first because we are using some new curriculum so until he gets used to it... so I'm not sure how it will go so we are just going to go a couple days at a time for now.

Well, I need to go do some reading for tomorrow... nothing like waiting till the last minute! Wish us luck!

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