Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Life at my house lately...

It's been busy and different. Somewhat stressful at times and then again exciting.

DH's time overseas is coming to a close. YEA!!! Not too much longer and then we will finally be together again. This is the cause for the excitement and the stress. I'll be so glad to have him home.

Things have a changed around here a bit though in last year and I worry about that. For the most part, I like the changes that have occurred here. But I worry about how DH will take to it. Also, I've been a single parent for a year and it will be hard in some ways to relinquish some of that... what's the word... authority? I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for or not but that will be hard in some ways but great in others.

Don't get me wrong. I'm so very ready for my husband to come back home to us. I need him in such a bad way. I want him here to take some of the weight off my shoulders. You know so that we can be a couple again, a team. I'm really excited about it but there are the fears...

We usually do pretty good about the "reintegration" (that's what the army calls it). But for some reason I think we've already started having some little, minor problems with it and he's not even home yet!! Maybe it's good that it is starting now. Maybe this way we can get it out of the way and then when he gets home it will be over with, well, at least some of it.

Well, that's that part of our house... the other is the buying of the homeschool curriculum. Boy, can I go over board. I've spent around $300 so far. I'm hoping that I don't have much more to buy and then it won't be so bad. I will have to buy DS a new math book around Christmas time but hopefully that's it.

It's been both a fun and scary process. You know, you hate to ruin your kids! This homeschooling thing puts everything right on you and you can't blame anyone if things don't go well. Hence the scary part. But I love looking at all that's out there. I'm a book junkie and so I can really get caught up with the literature purchases. But for now I think I'm done.

Well, this is where we are and what we've been up to. So much to take in and experience. How are all of you? Is there anyone out there?


Miss Robyn said...

it sure must be hard having your husband away for so long, getting into a routine then having it change once more when he comes home. I am sure with a little give & take on both sides, you will be fine. Keeping you all in my heart. xox

Sherri Williams said...

Oh, we'll get through... we always do. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. Glad you stopped by and left a note. It's nice to know there is someone out there.