Thursday, August 07, 2008

Catching up...

Well dear friends,

I'm sorry that I have been so neglectful. We've been rather busy and lazy all at once. Let's see if I can get you all caught up on us.

Well, the last post was about soldiers in need. We got that taken care of. My family stepped right up to the bat and purchased them around 20 mattress pads and they were all very appreciative.

Let's see... what next.... well, DS was involved in our local theater this summer and was in a play for the Writer's Conference here and then he also was part of the informance they had at the end of their summer classes. He will continue with this in fall on the weekends. He really enjoys this. He will also be picking up guitar lessons in a couple of weeks at the Community School of the Arts at our local college. He is excited about it as well. He has been teaching himself and is getting really pretty good. He sounds a lot like the radio and some times I have hard time telling the difference! Of course we have continued on with his Archery and will continue to do so. He actually won one of his shoots this summer against several adults. He got a really nice trophy.

DD has had a very lazy summer. She has watched more than her share of TV and so I am weaning her off now. She will continue with her Dance this fall. She is very excited about it as she is in the intermediate class now. She is also going to participate in our Community Youth Choir at the Community School of the Arts as well.

As far as what curriculum will we are using this fall.... For my Freshman (UGH!!!!) DS we will be using TRISMS Discovering the Ancient World, Teaching Texbooks Geometry, High School Physical Science at home, and Power Glide French. He should be good and busy. Believe it or not he complained that last year was not hard enough or structured enough and that he didn't think he did enough. So he'll have a full year this year.

DD will using the Oak Meadow 4th grade Syllabus. She is pretty excited about using it although she doesn't want to start yet.

We will be starting next Monday, Aug 11. I was really wanting to wait a bit longer but I want to take off when DH comes home on leave and then I want to be totally finished for the year when he comes home for good. So to get our 180 days in this is what we have to do.

Well, I think that you are now up to date on this homeschooling family. I'll try to do better but I think you have heard that before right?

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