Thursday, August 14, 2008

Starting again.... or A New Year

Oh, I have been trying to get on here all week to tell you about our first day of school and just have not had the time. So now I guess I'll tell you about the first few days of school.

DD is using Oak Meadow 4 this year and is enjoying it so far. I think some of it may be a little too easy for her but it's review for now I guess. I'm thinking right now that if it continues as is that I will have to start supplementing, but we'll see how it goes. She is having fun and that is really good. We are needing some fun in our learning again.

DS is just getting started with DAW from TRISIMS. He just keeps saying it's school but I think he likes how independent he can be with it. Once he gets used to it's format and finds his favorite research sites I think he will enjoy it more. He has also started his French. It's not exactly what I had expected but it will work. I think he is just wanting to learn it so he doesn't care what it's like.

So, this is our first few days in our new year of learning. I like that better, learning, instead of school. School just has such bad connotations for my kids so it's much better this way. I'm hoping any way.

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