Monday, June 02, 2008

Soldiers in Need

I have a little request of all you dear cyber friends out there. My husband is again deployed, this time to Afghanistan.

Several soldiers, including my own, are having trouble sleeping because of the mattresses being hard as rocks and then some. They are so bad that many of them are trying to get a cot instead. I'm sure some of you think they are complaining over nothing but in the last 4 days my dh has gotten 10 hours of sleep while working 12 hours shifts. I'm sure that there are many soldiers worse off but I can help those that I know. I know that whatever I do for any of them will be passed on to others later as most soldiers are very good a paying it forward.

My request to you are donations for us to purchase 11 mattress pads for his section. They are $20 a piece so I'd like to raise $220. We'll take care of the postage. Please if you would like donate comment here and I will send you information on how to do so. Thank you so much for you help.

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