Friday, November 14, 2008

Connect the Thoughts...

This curriculum is really going well for us. DS even told me he was enjoying the creative writing course! DD does it with out any complaints and they seem to be moving through it well.

The only problem we seem to have is that sometimes it acts as though you are in a regular classroom setting which is hard for us. We've had to make some trips to the library to do some "observing" but it works out okay. Well, sometimes, this week, DS needed to do some "observing" so we planned a trip to the library and I asked DD if she needed to do it too for her lessons. She said no but I asked her to look ahead a little but she didn't and said she did so now she is needing to do it too but we don't have the time to go to the library so....

Anyway, over all we are really enjoying it and I think we can recommend it to you all out in cyberspace. They have free sample lessons you can look at to see if it is for you and your family before you buy so you have nothing to lose. hehe I sound like a commercial!!

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