Monday, February 12, 2007


Fun! That's what it is! The kids got right on their work this morning and they did all the work that they do on their own and then we went on to do some of our together work. When all our work was done for the day, I let DD turn on movie she had checked out of the library that she had been wanting me to watch with her. It was called "Rigoletto" and it was a very good family movie with a wonderful story and lesson.

I have several quilts that need mending so I pulled one out to work on as we watched the movie. DD asked for a needle and I gave her one as I kept on working. After a while I looked over and she was sewing little "boas" for her Barbies! How cute is that! She took some scrap fabric and some old lace I had and voila! She was very proud of her little creations. Me too!!

She is a cutie patootie.

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