Friday, February 09, 2007


Well, it was definitely a Friday here. A slow one at that.

We were up and busy at work by 8:30! DH had somewhere he had to be this morning so he was out early. They got busy with their math and language arts right off. Then they moved on to making some pages for their notebooking. We watched a science video yesterday and so they made their pages for that. They did great! The are really getting into it.

We are going to see "The Red Badge of Courage" at our local theater next week so we read the book a few days ago and today we watched the movie while we ate lunch. They really enjoyed it. We watched the one with Audie Murphy. They are very excited about seeing it on stage.

After that I let them go outside for a bit but it was really too cold. DD came in and worked some more on her Valentine's.

Most everything they did today was stuff they could do on their own so i was able to straighten up the house a little and do a little laundry. I even got to spend some writing!

I feel like we need to have days here and there to take more slowly. You know to relax. Most of the time we are rushing in this book or that and well, it can be too much so, today, slow is good.

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