Thursday, August 23, 2007

Still busy

Yes we are! The kids are doing great. DS is having to work a little harder on his math this year but he is doing pretty good.

Currently we are reading a book called, "The Story of Rolph and the Viking's Bow". They are really enjoying it. This is for history as we are studying American History and are now with the Vikings.

Science we are in the midst of the universe and stars and moving right along to planet Earth. We did get up the other night and lay a blanket out in the drive way and watch the meteor shower. That was neat and kids enjoyed it.

They are both doing great with their language arts. I've been very pleased with DS's writing. It has improved so much over the last 2 years. I'm amazed. DD's spelling is already improving since we started having a spelling list every week. (Last year she kept a dictionary of words she had a hard time with but knowing there will be a test she is doing GREAT!)

Well, that's about it for now. I've started a new blog over at you are welcome over there anytime.

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