Monday, November 07, 2005


Good evening friends! Well, today was a pretty good day. He started really concentrating on handwriting. That's something that was never correctly addressed in public school and he hates to write because of it. But you know what! I think he enjoyed it and it was a real boost to his ego!

I talked with my sister (she's a high school math teacher) about our math program today and she helped me a lot in deciding how and what to tackle for the rest of the year and even helped me decide that we need to try something different next year.

I've read that the first year is just a lot of trial and error and that it takes a lot of time to figure out curriculum choices. I've already decided that we will not be using any of the curriculum that we are using right now, next year.

I've found some that I think we might use in different subjects. Well, history, we will probably continue with the same company again. But for Grammar I'm looking for something else. I saw one the other day that was Literature based that I think we might consider. I think it included Spelling too. Science? I'm still looking into it. Well, we'll see. I'll probably spend my summer looking. Funny! It's not even Christmas and I'm talking about Summer!

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