Friday, November 18, 2011

Long time No Post...

I haven't really been posting over here much at all.  I usually post over at Musings By Mommy but I seldom post about Homeschooling.  I don't know why really... I think sometimes I worry that people will judge the way we homeschool and so I just prefer to keep it to myself.   But recently, I had the opportunity to help a new homeschooler and even received feedback on some ideas I shared with her and it was great!  I was so happy that I could help.

It's been such a long time since I've posted that you don't know my AWESOME news!!   DS was accepted to Kansas State University in October!  So exciting for him.  Poor guy.  I think he was really worried that he wouldn't get into college.  So when he received his acceptance letter it was such a relief to him.  I knew he would get in without any issues but he was worried.

I will say that that letter was a sort validation for me as a homeschooling mom.  I didn't ruin my kids!  Lol...

You have to go back and read some old posts to see what kind of homeschoolers we are but we are pretty laid back.  We see learning in everyday things and the kids often find themselves interested in a topic and just reading all they can about it or watching videos and such.  They often get off topic to delve deeper into a subject that interests them and really I think that is what learning is all about!  Maybe we should be called home 'learners' instead of 'schoolers'.  Lol  but really maybe it should just be learners because we learn all over the place!  Not just at home but at church, the library, the store, friends houses, grandparents houses, the car, and well, just about everywhere!

Sometimes I wish I had a recording device in our car or house to catch some of our conversations!  They are so funny but so... intelligent at the same time!!  My kids blow me away with their knowledge all the time.  The little facts they know are just awesome!  They are often sharing little tidbits of this and that.  It's awesome!  I love it and we usually end up in the giggles or a serious conversation and sometimes both.

So, anyway, I'm thinking of getting over to this blog more often.  Maybe sharing some tips that we've found useful in our learning.  Wonder if I'll have any readers....

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