Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Greek/Roman Meal

DD is planning a Greek/Roman meal for this next week.  She is busting with excitement.  She just can't wait.  She has been researching what they ate and is making a menu and grocery list.  She is fitting us all for togas.  LOL  And I think she is preparing a little presentation.  She made a scrapbook of her studies and it's pretty neat.  I think she has had a really good time with this. 

A couple of years ago she planned and put on a Medieval Feast and it was fun. 

I will try to get some pictures and post them.... well, not of me in a toga that's for sure!!!  :o)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent.  What a lovely time of the year.  Do you incorporate it into your schooling?  One year we used a Unit Study during Advent on Christmas.  We really enjoyed it and learned a lot.  Here is a LINK to the one used.

Another year we used a lot Old Time Radio Shows.  It was fun to listen them and color or draw or paint or whatever project we had to work on that day.  You can listen to The Cinnamon Bear here.  It's a fun short one to listen to that my kids enjoyed.  Here is the Companion to it as well.

Enjoy this time with your little ones!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some favorite Homeschool links... Enjoy!

So, I thought I'd start trying to post some of my favorite homeschool sites and such so..... to start today... here's one of my absolute favorites!  Well it's actually two but they are related.  I hope you enjoy them!

Homeschool Freebie of the Day

Homeschool Radio Shows

When we first started homeschooling and the kids were younger we listened to a lot of old time radio shows for school.  The kids loved it!  We'd listen during lunch the hour.  They'd eat and then they would draw or do puzzles.  They loved it!  I loved it!  I actually really miss it sometimes.  Now a days we all seem to doing our own thing... I miss those early days.  Cherish them my friends!!  They are wonderful!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Long time No Post...

I haven't really been posting over here much at all.  I usually post over at Musings By Mommy but I seldom post about Homeschooling.  I don't know why really... I think sometimes I worry that people will judge the way we homeschool and so I just prefer to keep it to myself.   But recently, I had the opportunity to help a new homeschooler and even received feedback on some ideas I shared with her and it was great!  I was so happy that I could help.

It's been such a long time since I've posted that you don't know my AWESOME news!!   DS was accepted to Kansas State University in October!  So exciting for him.  Poor guy.  I think he was really worried that he wouldn't get into college.  So when he received his acceptance letter it was such a relief to him.  I knew he would get in without any issues but he was worried.

I will say that that letter was a sort validation for me as a homeschooling mom.  I didn't ruin my kids!  Lol...

You have to go back and read some old posts to see what kind of homeschoolers we are but we are pretty laid back.  We see learning in everyday things and the kids often find themselves interested in a topic and just reading all they can about it or watching videos and such.  They often get off topic to delve deeper into a subject that interests them and really I think that is what learning is all about!  Maybe we should be called home 'learners' instead of 'schoolers'.  Lol  but really maybe it should just be learners because we learn all over the place!  Not just at home but at church, the library, the store, friends houses, grandparents houses, the car, and well, just about everywhere!

Sometimes I wish I had a recording device in our car or house to catch some of our conversations!  They are so funny but so... intelligent at the same time!!  My kids blow me away with their knowledge all the time.  The little facts they know are just awesome!  They are often sharing little tidbits of this and that.  It's awesome!  I love it and we usually end up in the giggles or a serious conversation and sometimes both.

So, anyway, I'm thinking of getting over to this blog more often.  Maybe sharing some tips that we've found useful in our learning.  Wonder if I'll have any readers....

Friday, August 19, 2011


So do you do homeschool on Fridays?  I know some people take off on Fridays.  We usually have a lighter day on Fridays.  This morning we spent some time cleaning up outside after a mega storm last night.   We had some branches down and some chairs moved.  The patio needed to be cleaned off and prettied up. 

We also got some laundry rounded up and started and the kitchen tidied up a bit.

Do you count this kind of thing as part of your schooling?  Sometimes I do.  I mean, it's teaching the kids some responsibility.  It's teaching then to pull their fair share.  It's teaching them how to care for their own home when they have one.

So, do you count it? 

Saturday, April 09, 2011


Well, it is 3:30 am the morning my DS takes his ACT exam, and here I sit, with an upset stomach, unable to sleep as if I am the one taking the test.  I've always had test anxiety.  ALWAYS but this having it for other people is for the birds!  LOL

I'm not really worried about how he will do.  I know he is going to do fine but I hate that he is nervous.  To him (and honestly to me too) it seems as if EVERYTHING rides on this stupid test! 

I hate that tests so important to college admission and scholarships.  It has put so much pressure on DS.  I'm afraid that we may have too although we didn't intend to do.  DS needs scholarships to help pay for his college and so we encouraged him to STUDY hard so that he could qualify for them.  His nervousness just makes me ill.  I want to take all of it away from him and tell him that it doesn't matter what this test says.  He's smart and talented and that's all that matters!

I know without a doubt that he will do fine.  He's a really smart kid and extremely talented as well.  I know that he knows what he needs to know.   I have people who work with him in church and the theater tell me all the time how smart he is. 

I think my not being able to sleep is the whole homeschool thing.  You know, the worries about having ruined my kids or ruined their future or chances at the future they want and so on and so on.  It's crazy really.  The doubts we have about ourselves, about the choices we make and so on.  Have I ever told how we came about homeschooling?

I think I talked about it some on my other blog, Musings By Mommy but I'm not sure I've ever told it here. 

Well, I've always wanted to but people always talked me out of it but I prayed about it off and on for years.  Finally, when DS was in the 5th grade, DH thought maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.  So we spent the summer after thinking about it and researching it some more and praying more.  The fact that DH finally was on board should have been enough to let me know it was the right thing for us but I was scared and unsure so I just kept praying about it. 

Then one day a friend, just out of the blue, called me and said, "This is weird but I just felt like I really needed to call you and tell you that you should homeschool your kids."  WEIRD!!  That should have been a huge sign, but I'm evidently slow and scared and so...  we kept thinking on it.  All summer we thought on it.  One minute we were ready and the next not.  Finally we left it up to DS and he wanted to try middle school so we let him. 

He loved it!  I still felt unsure about it all and still felt pulled to homeschool but...  He was loving it and DH was getting ready to deploy so I figure I didn't need the added stress.  But it kept coming up in my prayers.  Then one day when I was taking DS to school he  got VERY upset and begged me not take him back "to that place".  "Please don't make me stay here."  "Please homeschool me".  It was just heartbreaking.  I called DH and we had to take him that day but DH went to the school district office and asked what we needed to do to homeschool.  I hate it took us so long to hear what God was telling us to do.  I had sign after sign but let my fears and doubt get in the way.  DS's last day of school was a Wednesday, DH deployed the next day and we started homeschooling on that Friday.

It's been a bumpy ride but I don't think I'd trade it for the world and yet here I sit worrying that I may have ruined my kids!  WHAT?  How could that ever be when it is so obvious that God sent us here?  Am I doubting God?  WHAT?  Never!  So, I guess I have my answer right there.  My kids are not ruined.  Their strong suit may not be tests and I may have to take them to the colleges of their choice for a more personal contact when they apply so that the schools can really see who my kids are.  God trusted us to do this so I guess I should trust that He helped us do it well.  I know that DS will do awesome on his ACT and if not I know that we will do awesome things for his college applications so they can see how truly awesome he is.  We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us...  Maybe I'll remind DS of that this morning as he heads out the door.  Maybe I'll tape it my forehead! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh My Goodness!

Well, I've gone and done it.  I published my first book .  I am very excited!  This one is about dealing with a deployment.  Keeping in touch for this family helps the time to pass.  It's full of wonderful ideas for keeping in touch.  Please check it out here.  It is available as a digital download and also as a real book you can hold in your hands.  Share it with your friends as well!!  Thank you for sharing in my excitement.  :o)