Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dreams of the country???

Crazy, I know. But I have always had dreams of living in the country.

When I was little we had a farm. We didn't live on it. There was a trailer on the property where we stayed sometimes on the weekends and during the summer.

I loved it there. We had chickens, cows and pigs. We had a garden too. I remember riding my bicycle all over the place. My brother had a paper route and we kept the extra papers. I took them out there and made myself my own route. You know, the garden, the chickens, the pigs and then the cows. I loved it.

I loved the garden. But I remember that I didn't like snakes and I still don't! I remember coming out one day and seeing a huge snake skin hanging from the telephone pole near the garden. It scared me to death!

I don't like little critters either. You know, mice. I once went to feed the the chickens and when I pulled the bucket out of the grain barrel, there was a mouse sitting on top!!! I remember screaming and I had a terrible time feeding the chickens from that moment on.

I loved fresh eggs but I was scared of the chickens and I would throw the feed out to them and shoo them out to eat and run into the coop and gather the eggs as fast as I could. They didn't want me to have them and when they realized what I was doing they would come back in and it scared me!!

Did I mention I was only like 7 years old? I'm not sure about the age but I know I was in the first or second grade so...

Anyway, I dream often of living out in the country. I'd love for my kids to experience it. I think it would be soooo good for them. Fun too. I know, it would be a lot of hard work but rewarding too, don't you think?

I dream of this often. Not sure DH shares this dream with me but I'm holding out hope that someday we might have a couple of acres that we can all play on and learn on.... to expand ourselves.

Dreams of the country.....

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